B.3 Disclosures
As indicated above, the measurement guidance in ASC 820 is largely
converged with that in IFRS 13. However, there are differences between the disclosure
requirements in ASC 820 and those in IFRS 13, largely because of the guidance in
ASU 2018-13.
(Very few of these differences existed before ASU 2018-13.) ASU 2018-13 updated several
aspects of the U.S. GAAP fair value disclosure requirements; however, the same updates
were not made to IFRS Accounting Standards. The Background Information and Basis for
Conclusions of ASU 2018-13 provides the rationale for the divergence between the two
sets of standards. Paragraph BC78 of ASU 2018-13 states:
amendments in this Update relate to disclosures only and remove disclosures that are
no longer considered cost beneficial, clarify the specific requirements of
disclosures, and add disclosure requirements identified as broadly relevant. The
amendments create differences in disclosures based on the FASB’s and the IASB’s
differing assessments on financial statement users’ needs and the application of the
concepts in the Concepts Statement to the disclosures required by Topic
Therefore, because the disclosure requirements under IFRS 13 and other
IFRS Accounting Standards differ from those under U.S. GAAP, entities reporting under
IFRS Accounting Standards should carefully consider these disclosure requirements as
part of their annual and interim reporting.
One notable difference between the disclosure requirements under U.S.
GAAP and those under IFRS Accounting Standards is that IFRS Accounting Standards require
that entities provide a quantitative sensitivity analysis for recurring fair value
measurements of financial instruments classified in Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy.
ASU 2018-13 only requires entities that are not nonpublic entities to provide a
narrative description of the uncertainty of a Level 3 fair value measurement that
results from the use of unobservable inputs if those inputs reasonably could have been
different as of the reporting date.