10.9 Investments in Certain Entities That Calculate NAV per Share (or Its Equivalent)
ASC 820-10
Measuring the Fair Value of Investments in Certain
Entities That Calculate Net Asset Value per Share (or
Its Equivalent)
A reporting entity is permitted, as a practical expedient,
to estimate the fair value of an investment within the scope
of paragraphs 820-10-15-4 through 15-5 using the net asset
value per share (or its equivalent, such as member units or
an ownership interest in partners’ capital to which a
proportionate share of net assets is attributed) of the
investment, if the net asset value per share of the
investment (or its equivalent) is calculated in a manner
consistent with the measurement principles of Topic 946 as
of the reporting entity’s measurement date.
Investments in Certain Entities That Calculate Net Asset
Value per Share (or Its Equivalent)
An investment within the scope of paragraphs 820-10-15-4
through 15-5 for which fair value is measured using net
asset value per share (or its equivalent, for example member
units or an ownership interest in partners’ capital to which
a proportionate share of net assets is attributed) as a
practical expedient, as described in paragraph 820-10-35-59,
shall not be categorized within the fair value hierarchy. In
addition, the disclosure requirements in paragraph
820-10-50-2 do not apply to that investment. Disclosures
required for an investment for which fair value is measured
using net asset value per share (or its equivalent) as a
practical expedient are described in paragraph 820-10-50-6A.
Although the investment is not categorized within the fair
value hierarchy, a reporting entity shall provide the amount
measured using the net asset value per share (or its
equivalent) practical expedient to permit reconciliation of
the fair value of investments included in the fair value
hierarchy to the line items presented in the statement of
financial position in accordance with paragraph
ASC 820 allows entities, as a practical expedient, to measure the
fair value of certain investments by using NAV per share (or its equivalent). When
NAV per share (or its equivalent) is used to measure the fair value of an
investment, the investment is not categorized within the fair value hierarchy and an
entity does not need to provide certain disclosures that are otherwise required for
assets measured at fair value on a recurring basis. See Section 2.2.2 for further discussion of the
scope of this practical expedient. See Section for discussion of the
disclosures an entity is required to provide when it uses this practical