7.2 Determination of the Discount Rate for Lessees
ASC 842-20
30-2 The discount rate for the lease initially used to determine the present value of the lease payments for a lessee is calculated on the basis of information available at the commencement date.
30-3 A lessee should use the
rate implicit in the lease whenever that rate is
readily determinable. If the rate implicit in the
lease is not readily determinable, a lessee uses
its incremental borrowing rate. A lessee that is
not a public business entity is permitted to use a
risk-free discount rate for the lease instead of
its incremental borrowing rate, determined using a
period comparable with that of the lease term, as
an accounting policy election made by class of
underlying asset.
30-4 See Example 2 (paragraphs 842-20-55-17 through 55-20) for an illustration of the requirements on the discount rate.
7.2.1 Initial Determination of the Discount Rate
At lease commencement, a lessee must develop a discount rate to calculate the present value of the lease payments so that it can determine lease classification and measure the lease liability. When determining the discount rate to be used at lease commencement, a lessee must use the rate implicit in the lease unless that rate cannot be readily determined. When the rate implicit in the lease cannot be readily determined (which we expect to generally be the case), the lessee should use its incremental borrowing rate.
Changing Lanes
Required Use of Rate Implicit in the Lease (When Readily
Under ASC 842, when the rate implicit in the lease is readily determinable, the
lessee must use this rate regardless of whether it
is greater than the lessee’s incremental borrowing
rate. This requirement differs from that under ASC
840, which indicated that a lessee can only use
the rate implicit in a lease when that rate does
not exceed the lessee’s incremental borrowing rate
and is readily determinable.
The example and discussion below further explain the considerations related to
the initial determination of the discount rate. In
addition, Example 2 in ASC 842-20-55-17 through
55-20 (reproduced in Section 7.2.5)
also illustrates this determination.
Example 7-1
Determination of the Discount Rate for Lessees
Company A enters into an arrangement to lease a crane from Supplier for five years, beginning on January 1, 20Y1. Assume the following facts:
- The estimated fair value of the crane is $195,000.
- Company A must pay Supplier $37,500 annually, with the payment due at the end of each year.
- The estimated residual value of the crane at the end of the lease term is $60,000.
- Company A does not know the total initial direct costs deferred by Supplier.
- Company A cannot readily determine Supplier’s estimate of the residual value of the crane at lease commencement.
- There are no separate nonlease components in the contract.
- Company A has an unsecured line of credit with a lending institution that bears an interest rate of 7.75 percent.
- Company A receives an interest rate quote of 6.50 percent from its lender for a five-year loan of $187,500 that is secured by commercial equipment.
Evaluation of the Rate Implicit in the Lease
A lessee must use the rate implicit in the lease as its discount rate unless that rate is not readily determinable. In this example, while certain components of the rate implicit in the lease are readily determinable (e.g., estimated fair value and the lease payments), A does not know the initial direct costs that Supplier deferred or Supplier’s estimate of the crane’s expected residual value. Therefore, A would be required to use its incremental borrowing rate.
Evaluation of the Incremental Borrowing Rate
As indicated in Section 7.1.2, the incremental borrowing rate is the rate that reflects the interest a lessee would have to pay to borrow funds on a collateralized basis over a similar term and in a similar economic environment. As a result, when determining its incremental borrowing rate, the lessee is not limited to a rate that is collateralized by the leased asset; rather, the lessee can use any interest rate as long as the rate reflects a term similar to the lease term and the borrowing is fully collateralized.
In this example, A cannot use the rate on its unsecured line of credit because the borrowing is not collateralized. Instead, A would use as its discount rate the interest rate quoted on its five-year loan secured by commercial equipment because that interest rate is fully collateralized and is based on a term similar to the lease term (i.e., five years). Lessee’s Consideration of Whether the Rate Implicit in the Lease Is Readily Determinable
ASC 842-20-30-3 states, in
part, “A lessee should use the rate implicit in
the lease whenever that rate
is readily determinable” (emphasis added).
Generally, the rate implicit
in the lease would be considered readily
determinable when all of
the material inputs used to calculate the rate are
readily determinable (i.e., the lessee can readily
determine the fair value of the underlying asset,
the amount the lessor expects to derive from the
underlying asset at the end of the lease term, and
the lessor’s initial direct costs, provided that
each of these has a material effect on the rate —
see Section 7.1 for
the definition of “rate implicit in the lease”).
In contrast, the rate implicit in the lease would not be considered
readily determinable when any of the material
inputs are not readily determinable.
In scenarios in which material
inputs are deemed readily determinable but
immaterial inputs are not, it may be reasonable
for a lessee to estimate those inputs when
determining the rate implicit in the lease if such
inputs are not expected to materially affect the
resulting calculations (e.g., when the lessee does
not know the lessor’s initial direct costs but the
lack of precision in an estimate of a reasonable
amount of initial direct costs would not have a
meaningful impact on the calculated rate).
Connecting the Dots
“Readily Determinable” Is a High Hurdle
We believe that the phrase
“readily determinable” is indicative of a high
hurdle. That is, the information a lessee needs to
determine the rate implicit in the lease would
generally not be considered readily determinable
from the lessee’s perspective because of its
limited visibility into the actual inputs needed
to calculate the precise rate (e.g., the lessee
will generally not know the amount that the lessor expects to derive
from the underlying asset at the end of the lease
term). At the same time, lessees should not ignore
available information about the inputs to the rate
implicit in the lease.
Some may believe that a lessee
can never readily determine the rate implicit in
the lease unless all of
the lessor’s inputs are fully transparent to the
lessee. As discussed above, we believe that there
may be limited exceptions to this view.
Specifically, when a lessee is able to reasonably
estimate the immaterial inputs used to calculate
the rate implicit in the lease, we would not
object to the use of an estimated implicit rate.
However, a lessee is not required to attempt to
estimate such inputs if they are not readily
determinable in these circumstances and,
therefore, may use its incremental borrowing rate
when discounting its lease payments.
In January 2019, the FASB
received an agenda request to include additional or amended guidance
in ASC 842 regarding when a lessee should apply the rate implicit in
a lease as its discount rate. This topic was further discussed at
the September 2020 public roundtable (see discussion in Section On the basis of
the feedback received at the roundtable and other venues, the FASB
elected not to further evaluate or change these provisions. As a
result, we do not believe that there will be any subsequent changes
and the FASB currently has no items related to ASC 842 on its
technical agenda. Factors to Consider in Determining the Lessee’s Incremental Borrowing Rate
A determination of the
lessee’s incremental borrowing rate at the
commencement date of a lease may be difficult. If
a lessee did not incur borrowings at or near the
commencement date of a lease that were for a term
similar to the lease term, the lessee may need to
determine its incremental borrowing rate through
discussions with bankers, or other lenders, or by
reference to obligations of a similar term issued
by others with a credit rating similar to that of
the lessee. The incremental borrowing rate should
be an effective borrowing rate that takes into
account any compensating balance or other
requirements affecting the stated interest rate.
When the lessee obtains a third-party guarantee of
its lease payments, it should adjust its
incremental borrowing rate to reflect the impact
of that guarantee if obtaining a third-party
guarantee for a similar borrowing that could have
been used to purchase the leased asset would have
affected the lessee’s borrowing rate for that
debt. Collateralization-Related Factors to Consider
An entity’s collateralized rate cannot be
higher than its general unsecured borrowing rate.
The starting point for determining a
collateralized incremental borrowing rate is an
entity’s general unsecured borrowing rate, given
the term of the lease and the amount of the lease
payments. That base rate is then adjusted to
reflect the effect of collateral. Since adding
collateral only improves the lender’s level of
security, this should lower the applicable
borrowing rate.
When estimating an incremental
borrowing rate, it would generally be acceptable
for an entity to use the leased asset itself as
the assumed collateral. This view is consistent
with most collateralized borrowings in which the
lender can foreclose on the asset that was
purchased with the proceeds of the loan. However,
on the basis of discussions with the FASB and SEC
staffs, we understand that other forms of
collateral can also be used if they are likely to
be accepted by a lender. For example, a lender
that requires collateral would most likely accept
U.S. Treasury securities instead of a fixed asset
(e.g., building, equipment) because the Treasury
securities are more liquid and therefore offer
more security to the lender. In general, lender
acceptance would most likely depend on the
proposed collateral’s level of liquidity in
relation to the leased asset. Assets that are more
liquid than the leased asset would most likely be
accepted as collateral, while assets that are less
liquid would not. In addition, the more liquid the
collateral, the greater the effect we would expect
on the incremental borrowing rate.
On the basis of discussions
with the FASB and SEC staffs, we understand that
an entity should generally assume full
collateralization (not undercollateralization or
overcollateralization) and that it is not expected
or required to establish levels of
collateralization that would typically be required
by lenders in similar circumstances (i.e.,
collateralization based on traditional
loan-to-value requirements for loans related to
different asset types).
Connecting the Dots
Lessee’s Consideration of Its Credit Rating When Determining
Its Incremental Borrowing Rate
As described in the discussion
above, the determination of an incremental
borrowing rate depends on a number of factors,
including the amount of the borrowing, a lessee’s
credit rating, and the lease term. Therefore,
irrespective of whether the lessee has an
excellent credit rating, it would generally be
inappropriate for the lessee to use the same
incremental borrowing rate for all of its leases,
since it will need to consider all relevant
factors in determining this rate.
As noted in Section
7.2.1, the incremental borrowing rate
used by a lessee should reflect the interest rate
that the lessee would have to pay to borrow funds
from a third party on a collateralized basis. In
certain instances, a lessee may not be able to
obtain financing from a third party because of its
overall financial condition and
In such circumstances, the
incremental borrowing rate may not be readily
available and the lessee should instead use the
interest rate available for the lowest-grade debt
in the marketplace, adjusted for the effects of
The “rate” used as the
incremental borrowing rate should be consistent
with the lessee’s cost of borrowing for the
specific purpose. That cost should be the
effective cost of borrowing, including fees paid
to originate the loan. Accordingly, the lessee
should consider reasonable loan origination fees
in computing its incremental borrowing rate.
7.2.2 Reassessment of the Discount Rate
A lessee must update the discount rate when the lease liability is remeasured (see Section 8.5 for a detailed discussion of lessee remeasurement), unless the remeasurement results from changes in one of the following:
- The lease term or the assessment of whether a purchase option will be exercised, and the discount rate already reflects the lessee’s option to extend or terminate the lease or purchase the asset.
- Amounts that it is probable the lessee will owe under a residual value guarantee.
- Lease payments resulting from the resolution of a contingency upon which some or all of the variable lease payments are based.
In addition, a lessee would be required to reassess the discount rate when the contract is modified and that modification does not result in a separate contract. See Section 8.6 for more information.
7.2.3 Use of a Risk-Free Rate by Lessees That Are Not PBEs
In November 2021, the FASB issued ASU 2021-09,
which allows lessees that are not PBEs to make an
accounting policy election by class of underlying
asset, rather than on an entity-wide basis, to use
a risk-free rate as the discount rate when
measuring and classifying leases.
As indicated below, ASU
2021-09 amends the current guidance in ASC
842-20-30-3 to allow a non-PBE lessee to make an
accounting policy election, by class of underlying
assets, to use a risk-free rate as the discount
rate when the rate implicit in the lease is not
readily determinable.
ASC 842-20
30-3 A lessee should use the rate
implicit in the lease whenever that rate is
readily determinable. If the rate implicit in the
lease is not readily determinable, a lessee uses
its incremental borrowing rate. A lessee that is
not a public business entity is permitted to use a
risk-free discount rate for the lease instead of
its incremental borrowing rate, determined using a
period comparable with that of the lease term,
as an accounting policy election made by class
of underlying asset.
In addition to allowing lessees to elect to use
the risk-free rate as an accounting policy by
asset class rather than on an entity-wide level,
the ASU requires lessees to:
- Disclose their election, including the asset class(es) for which they have elected the accounting policy.
- Use the rate implicit in the lease instead of the risk-free rate when the former is readily determinable, regardless of whether the practical expedient has been elected.
See Section for a detailed discussion
of ASU 2021-09, including the transition requirements.
As clarified by ASU 2021-09, the risk-free rate
can only be applied by a lessee for leases when
the rate implicit in the lease is not readily
determinable. Before the issuance of this ASU,
non-PBE lessees that had adopted ASC 842 were
required to use the risk-free rate as the discount
rate to measure all of their leases if they had
elected this practical expedient. Upon adopting
the ASU, lessees that previously applied this
requirement may choose to discontinue using the
risk-free rate as the discount rate for any class
of underlying asset. Conversely, lessees that did
not elect to apply the risk-free rate to all their
leases upon adopting ASC 842 may now choose to
apply the risk-free rate as the discount rate for
any class of underlying asset. A lessee’s policy
election regarding the classes of underlying asset
to which it will apply the risk-free rate should
be consistently applied.
Connecting the Dots
Underlying Asset Class
ASC 842 does not address or
further define the phrase “class of underlying asset.” Before ASU
2021-09, entities were allowed to make other accounting policy elections
by class of underlying asset, so entities may already have policies in
place for how they define asset class. See Section for information
about applying this concept in ASC 842.
Connecting the Dots
Use of
a Risk-Free Rate May Have Unintended Consequences
While a lessee’s use of a
risk-free discount rate may reduce some of the
complexities related to measuring its lease
liabilities and ROU assets, there may be some
unintended consequences. For example, using a
risk-free discount rate would result in a lease
liability and ROU asset that are larger than those
that would have been calculated by using the
lessee’s incremental borrowing rate. In addition,
using the risk-free rate could result in a present
value calculation that may equal or exceed
substantially all of the fair value of the
underlying leased asset, causing the lease to be
classified as a finance lease rather than an
operating lease. An entity should exercise caution
in using the alternative accounting policies
applicable to private companies (non-PBEs) if the
entity expects that it may undergo an IPO or that
its financial statements or other financial
information may be included in another company’s
SEC filings. See Section 18.8 for further discussion of
an entity’s use of private-company (non-PBE)
7.2.4 Incremental Borrowing Rate Used at a Subsidiary Level
In paragraph BC201 of ASU 2016-02, the FASB acknowledges that it may sometimes be appropriate for a subsidiary to use an incremental borrowing rate other than its own. That is, depending on the nature of the lease negotiations and the resulting terms and conditions of the agreement, it may be more appropriate to use a parent entity’s or consolidated group’s incremental borrowing rate if the borrowing power of these entities is factored into the lease negotiations. Determining a Subsidiary’s Incremental Borrowing Rate When the Lease Terms Are Influenced by Parent or Group Credit
In some cases, a parent
negotiates leases on behalf of its subsidiary so that the subsidiary can
benefit from the parent’s superior credit. In other cases, a consolidated
group might have a centralized treasury function that negotiates on behalf
of all of its subsidiaries for the same reason. The negotiations often
include guarantees or other payment mechanisms that allow the lessor to look
beyond just the subsidiary for payment. This raises the question of whether
it would be appropriate for an entity to use a rate other than the
subsidiary’s incremental borrowing rate when accounting for a lease at the
subsidiary level (if it is assumed that the implicit rate cannot be readily
The appropriate incremental
borrowing rate for measuring the lease liability
would generally be based on the terms and
conditions negotiated between the lessee and the
lessor. Often, the pricing of the lease will
solely depend on the credit standing of the
subsidiary itself (i.e., the lessee in the
arrangement). In other cases, the pricing may be
significantly influenced by the credit risk
evaluated at another level in an organization
(e.g., the parent or consolidated group) on the
basis of guarantees or other payment mechanisms
that allow the lessor to look beyond just the
subsidiary for payment. If the pricing of the
lease depends solely on the lessee’s credit
standing when the lease was negotiated, the
lessee’s incremental borrowing rate should be used
to measure the lease liability. However, if the
pricing of the lease depends on the credit risk of
an entity other than the lessee when the lease was
negotiated (e.g., the lessee’s parent or a
consolidated group), it will generally be more
appropriate to use the incremental borrowing rate
of that other entity.
Decentralized treasury
functions within an organization may be an
indicator that it is appropriate for the reporting
entity to use the incremental borrowing rate of
the subsidiary (i.e., the lessee in the
arrangement) when measuring the lease liability.
However, this fact is not individually
determinative and should be considered along with
the determination of whether the subsidiary’s
(lessee’s) credit standing was used in the
negotiation of the lease agreement. This view is
consistent with paragraph BC201 of ASU 2016-02,
which states, in part:
Board . . . considered that, in some cases, it
might be reasonable for a subsidiary to use a
parent entity or group’s incremental borrowing
rate as the discount rate. Depending on the terms
and conditions of the lease and the corresponding
negotiations, the parent entity’s incremental
borrowing rate may be the most appropriate rate to
use as a practical means of reflecting the
interest rate in the contract, assuming the
implicit rate is not readily determinable. For
example, this might be appropriate when the
subsidiary does not have its own treasury function
(all funding for the group is managed centrally by
the parent entity) and, consequently, the
negotiations with the lessor result in the parent
entity providing a guarantee of the lease payments
to the lessor. Therefore, the pricing of the lease
is more significantly influenced by the credit
standing of the parent than that of the
The two examples below
highlight scenarios commonly encountered in
practice. In both examples, the credit of the
parent or group is assumed to be superior to the
credit of the subsidiary/lessee.
Example 7-2
On January 15, 20X1, Group A
negotiates and executes a lease on behalf of
Subsidiary B, one of the subsidiaries consolidated
by A. The treasury function is maintained at A’s
level (i.e., B does not have a stand-alone
treasury function), and pricing of the lease is
based on A’s creditworthiness. While both A and B
are the named parties in the lease agreement, B is
identified as the party that will occupy the
leased property.
Since treasury operations
(including the negotiation of lease agreements)
are conducted centrally at A’s level, it would
generally be appropriate for B to use A’s
incremental borrowing rate (as opposed to B’s
rate) when measuring B’s lease liability. This is
because the negotiations with the lessor and the
resulting pricing of the lease are based on the
creditworthiness of A rather than that of B.
Example 7-3
On April 15, 20X1, Lessee A
negotiates a building lease with Lessor B. Lessee
A has its own treasury function that negotiates
all significant agreements, including leases.
However, A’s parent, ParentCo, provides a
guarantee of lease payments to B as part of the
negotiated terms of the lease.
Although A has its own
treasury function and negotiates the term of its
lease, it would be reasonable to conclude that the
pricing of the lease was significantly influenced
by the creditworthiness of ParentCo (as evidenced
by ParentCo’s guarantee to the lessor). As a
result, it would generally be appropriate for A as
the reporting entity to measure the lease
liability by using ParentCo’s incremental
borrowing rate.
7.2.5 Determining a Discount Rate at a Portfolio Level
ASC 842-20
55-17 Example 2 illustrates the determination of the discount rate for the lease.
Example 2 — Portfolio Approach to Establishing the Discount Rate for the Lease
55-18 Lessee, a public entity, is the parent of several consolidated subsidiaries. During the current period, 2 subsidiaries entered into a total of 400 individual leases of large computer servers, each with terms ranging between 4 and 5 years and annual payments ranging between $60,000 and $100,000, depending on the hardware capacity of the servers. In aggregate, total lease payments for these leases amount to $30 million.
55-19 The individual lease contracts do not provide information about the rate implicit in the lease. Lessee is BBB credit rated and actively raises debt in the corporate bond market. Both subsidiaries are unrated and do not actively engage in treasury operations in their respective markets. On the basis of its credit rating and the collateral represented by the leased servers, Lessee’s incremental borrowing rate on $60,000 through $100,000 (the range of lease payments on each of the 400 leases) would be approximately 4 percent. Lessee notes that 5-year zero-coupon U.S. Treasury instruments are currently yielding 1.7 percent (a risk-free rate). Because Lessee conducts its treasury operations centrally (that is, at the consolidated group level), it is reasonably assumed that consideration of the group credit standing factored into how each lease was priced.
55-20 Lessee may determine the discount rate for the lease for the 400 individual leases entered into on different dates throughout the current period by using a portfolio approach. That is, Lessee can apply a single discount rate to the portfolio of new leases. This is because during the period, the new leases are all of similar terms (four to five years), and Lessee’s credit rating and the interest rate environment are stable. Because the pricing of the lease is influenced by the credit standing and profile of Lessee rather than the subsidiaries (that is, because Lessee conducts treasury operations for the consolidated group), Lessee concludes that its incremental borrowing rate of 4 percent is an appropriate discount rate for each of the 400 leases entered into by Lessee’s 2 subsidiaries during the period. Because Lessee is a public entity, it is not permitted to use a risk-free discount rate.
The FASB concluded that it may be appropriate in certain circumstances for an entity to apply the lease accounting guidance at a portfolio level. One such circumstance could be the lessee’s determination of the discount rate. When applying the guidance at a portfolio level, the lessee would need to appropriately stratify the lease population subject to this approach in such a manner that application of the lease guidance at the portfolio level results in an outcome that would not materially differ from the outcome that results from applying the guidance on a lease-by-lease basis. Examples of attributes that the lessee should consider in this exercise include lease term, form of underlying collateral, and amount of lease payments.
Connecting the Dots
Determining a Discount Rate at a Portfolio Level
During its redeliberations, the FASB considered how costly and complex it would be for preparers to apply the guidance in ASC 842. To alleviate this burden, the FASB decided to permit both lessees and lessors to apply the guidance in ASC 842 at a portfolio level. The Board noted that, when a portfolio approach is applied, it would be less costly not only to group similar leases together but also in other respects (e.g., when an entity uses judgments and estimates in recognizing a lease).
For example, paragraph BC121 of ASU 2016-02 indicates that it may be useful for an entity to use a portfolio approach when determining a discount rate:
The cost relief also could be particularly high for certain aspects of the leases guidance for which entities need to make judgments and estimates, such as determining the discount rate or determining and reassessing the lease term. For example, rather than establishing a specific discount rate for a single leased asset, an entity might conclude that it can establish a single discount rate applied to all leases in a portfolio because using that discount rate would not result in a materially different answer than using a discount rate determined for each.
We believe that determining a discount rate at a portfolio level could help reduce the cost and complexity of applying this guidance.