Accounting Research Tool
Chapter 13 — Disclosure

13.7 Change in Valuation Techniques

13.7 Change in Valuation Techniques

ASC 718-10
Consistent Use of Valuation Techniques and Methods for Selecting Assumptions
55-27 Assumptions used to estimate the fair value of equity and liability instruments granted in share-based payment transactions shall be determined in a consistent manner from period to period. For example, an entity might use the closing share price or the share price at another specified time as the current share price on the grant date in estimating fair value, but whichever method is selected, it shall be used consistently. The valuation technique an entity selects to estimate fair value for a particular type of instrument also shall be used consistently and shall not be changed unless a different valuation technique is expected to produce a better estimate of fair value. A change in either the valuation technique or the method of determining appropriate assumptions used in a valuation technique is a change in accounting estimate for purposes of applying Topic 250, and shall be applied prospectively to new awards.