Accounting Research Tool
Chapter 2 — Long-Lived Assets Classified as Held and Used

2.11 Early-Warning Disclosures When Future Impairments Are Reasonably Possible

2.11 Early-Warning Disclosures When Future Impairments Are Reasonably Possible

ASC 360-10 does not specifically require entities to provide “early-warning” disclosures when it is reasonably possible that an impairment may be recognized in the near future (e.g., when expected future cash flows on an undiscounted basis exceed the asset by only a small amount or when partial impairments are recognized). As described in paragraph B57 of the Background Information and Basis for Conclusions of FASB Statement 144, the Board decided that entities did not need to provide any specific disclosures in such cases because the disclosure requirements in ASC 275-10 related to risks and uncertainties associated with the use of estimates in the preparation of the entity’s financial statements would be relevant.