3.1 Overview
ASC 360-10
Long-Lived Assets Classified as Held for Sale
This guidance addresses the accounting for expected disposal
losses for long-lived assets and asset groups that are
classified as held for sale but have not yet been sold. See
paragraphs 360-10-45-9 through 45-11 for the initial
criteria to be met for classification as held for sale.
An asset (disposal group) is classified as held for sale once all of the criteria in
ASC 360-10-45-9 through 45-11 are met. The entity recognizes a loss, if necessary,
to adjust the asset’s (disposal group’s) carrying amount to its fair value less cost
to sell in the period in which the held-for-sale criteria are met. The carrying
amount of the asset (disposal group) is adjusted in each reporting period for
subsequent increases or decreases in its fair value less cost to sell, except that
the adjusted carrying amount cannot exceed the carrying amount of the asset
(disposal group) at the time it was initially classified as held for sale. Any gain
or loss from the sale of the asset (disposal group) that was not previously
recognized is recognized on the date of sale. Long-lived assets are not depreciated
or amortized while they are classified as held for sale.
The held-for-sale guidance and the discontinued-operations presentation guidance in
ASC 205 and ASC 360 apply when an entity is planning to sell or otherwise dispose of
parts of its operations, not when the entity is being sold in its entirety. See
Example 5-2 for more information.