Accounting Research Tool
Chapter 3 — Long-Lived Assets to Be Sold

3.8 Recognition of a Gain or Loss Upon Sale of the Disposal Group

3.8 Recognition of a Gain or Loss Upon Sale of the Disposal Group

ASC 360-10
40-3A An entity shall account for the derecognition of a nonfinancial asset, including an in substance nonfinancial asset and an asset subject to a lease, within the scope of this Topic in accordance with Subtopic 610-20 on gains and losses from the derecognition of nonfinancial assets, unless a scope exception from Subtopic 610-20 applies. For example, the derecognition of a nonfinancial asset in a contract with a customer shall be accounted for in accordance with Topic 606 on revenue from contracts with customers.
40-3B An entity shall account for the derecognition of a subsidiary or group of assets that is either a business or nonprofit activity in accordance with the derecognition guidance in Subtopic 810-10.
40-3C If an entity transfers a nonfinancial asset in accordance with paragraph 360-10-40-3A, and the contract does not meet all of the criteria in paragraph 606-10-25-1, the entity shall not derecognize the nonfinancial asset and shall follow the guidance in paragraphs 606-10-25-6 through 25-8 to determine if and when the contract subsequently meets all the criteria in paragraph 606-10-25-1. Until all the criteria in paragraph 606-10-25-1 are met, the entity shall continue to do all of the following:
  1. Report the nonfinancial asset in its financial statements
  2. Recognize depreciation expense as a period cost unless the assets have been classified as held for sale in accordance with paragraphs 360-10-45-9 through 45-10
  3. Apply the impairment guidance in Section 360-10-35.
Recognition of Gain or Loss From Sale
40-5 A gain or loss not previously recognized that results from the sale of a long-lived asset (disposal group) shall be recognized when the long-lived asset (disposal group) is derecognized in accordance with applicable Topics (for example, Topic 610 on other income, Topic 810 on consolidation, or Topic 860 on transfers and servicing).