Accounting Research Tool
Chapter 1 — Overview and Scope

1.6 Scope

1.6 Scope

ASC 280-10-20 defines a public entity as follows:
A business entity or a not-for-profit entity that meets any of the following conditions:
  1. It has issued debt or equity securities or is a conduit bond obligor for conduit debt securities that are traded in a public market (a domestic or foreign stock exchange or an over-the-counter market, including local or regional markets).
  2. It is required to file financial statements with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
  3. It provides financial statements for the purpose of issuing any class of securities in a public market.
Throughout this Roadmap, the terms “entities” and “public entities” are used interchangeably to refer to public entities that are within the scope of ASC 280, including entities that are preparing for the sale of securities in a public market, such as in an initial public offering (see Section 1.3 of Deloitte’s Roadmap Initial Public Offerings), and broker-dealers.