Accounting Research Tool
Chapter 6 — Significant Expenses and Other Segment Items

6.2 Significant Segment Expenses

6.2 Significant Segment Expenses

ASC 280-10
Pending Content (Transition Guidance: ASC 280-10-65-1)
50-26A A public entity shall disclose for each reportable segment the significant expense categories and amounts that are regularly provided to the chief operating decision maker and included in reported segment profit or loss. When determining the segment expense categories and amounts that shall be disclosed, a public entity shall first identify the expenses from the segment level information that is regularly provided to the chief operating decision maker and then disclose those segment expense categories and amounts that are significant. A public entity shall consider relevant qualitative and quantitative factors when determining whether segment expense categories and amounts are significant. When applying this guidance, a public entity shall evaluate for disclosure a segment expense that is regularly provided to the chief operating decision maker as well as a segment expense that is easily computable from information that is regularly provided to the chief operating decision maker. Paragraphs 280-10-55-15A through 55-15B provide additional guidance on determining whether segment expense amounts can be easily computed for purposes of applying the guidance in this paragraph.
For each reportable segment, ASU 2023-07 requires entities to disclose, on an interim and annual basis, those expenses that are (1) considered significant, including categories of expense and amounts; (2) regularly provided to the CODM; and (3) included in each reported measure of segment P&L.