Accounting Research Tool
Chapter 4 — Step 1: Identify the Contract

4.5 Reassessing the Criteria for Identifying a Contract

4.5 Reassessing the Criteria for Identifying a Contract

An entity is required to evaluate the criteria in ASC 606-10-25-1 at contract inception to determine whether a valid and genuine transaction exists for accounting purposes. Once an entity concludes that the criteria are met (i.e., that a valid contract exists), it is not required to reassess the criteria unless there has been a significant change in facts and circumstances (i.e., changes that might call into question the existence of a contract rather than minor changes that might reasonably be expected over the contract term, particularly for long-term contracts). A reassessment may be required, for example, if an entity determines that its remaining contractual rights and obligations are no longer enforceable or if other changes suggest that a valid and genuine transaction no longer exists.
