Accounting Research Tool
Chapter 6 — GHG Protocol Scope 3 Standard

6.2 Boundary Requirements

6.2 Boundary Requirements

Scope 3 Standard, Chapter 6, “Setting the Scope 3 Boundary,” Page 59
Determining which scope 3 emissions to include in the inventory (i.e., setting the boundary) is a critical decision in the inventory process. The GHG Protocol Corporate Standard allows companies flexibility in choosing which, if any, scope 3 activities to include in the GHG inventory when the company defines its operational boundaries. The GHG Protocol Scope 3 Standard is designed to create additional completeness and consistency in scope 3 accounting and reporting by defining scope 3 boundary requirements.


List of required GHGs as amended in February 2013.
Items in a representative list would closely resemble, and therefore accurately reflect, the total population of activities in the value chain.