Accounting Research Tool
Chapter 7 — Accounting for GHG Emissions From Leased Assets

7.1 Overview

7.1 Overview

Accounting for GHG emissions from leased assets can be nuanced, and preparers must be careful in their analysis. Companies need to understand the types of leased assets they have so that they can correctly classify the related GHG emissions into Scope 1; Scope 2; Scope 3, Category 8 (upstream leased assets); or Scope 3, Category 13 (downstream leased assets).1 In some cases, Scope 3 emissions from products leased to customers may also be reported in Scope 3, Category 11 (use of sold products); see Section 7.2.3 for more information. To determine whether to classify a reporting company’s GHG emissions from leased assets in Scope 1, Scope 2, or Scope 3, preparers need to consider (1) the company’s elected consolidation approach for establishing its organizational boundary and (2) the lease classifications in the company’s audited financial statements.


Throughout this chapter, it is assumed that the reporting company has elected to report Scope 3 emissions under the Scope 3 Standard.