Accounting Research Tool
Chapter 4 — Other Accounting and Financial Reporting Items

4.1 Statement of Cash Flows

4.1 Statement of Cash Flows

In developing a statement of cash flows to be presented in carve-out financial statements, management must use judgment and make estimates to determine and report various cash flow components. It may be best for management to first develop the carve-out balance sheet and income statement before developing the statement of cash flows since most components of the cash flow statement are derived from the balance sheet accounts. For example, after management determines the proper balance sheet allocation of fixed assets to the carve-out entity, it must consider the related cash flow statement implications associated with these balances (e.g., additions, disposals, and depreciation expense). These amounts should be derived from the parent entity’s historical financial statements and would generally not be adjusted for information identified after the issuance of the parent-entity financial statements unless the adjustment is required by U.S. GAAP or other regulatory guidance (see Section 4.7 for further discussion).