Accounting Research Tool
Chapter 5 — Broad Transactions

5.3 Derivatives and Hedging

5.3 Derivatives and Hedging

IFRS Accounting Standards and U.S. GAAP contain somewhat similar requirements related to derivatives and hedging. For example, both sets of standards require derivatives to be accounted for at fair value, and both distinguish between fair value hedges and cash flow hedges. However, the definition of a “derivative” is narrower under U.S. GAAP than it is under IFRS Accounting Standards and, as a result, more instruments may meet the definition under IFRS Accounting Standards. Further, although the base premise of hedge accounting is similar under IFRS Accounting Standards and U.S. GAAP, as the table below shows, there are numerous detailed differences in the requirements entities must follow under the two sets of standards to qualify for, document, and apply hedge accounting.