Accounting Research Tool
Appendix B — Summary of Scaled Disclosure Requirements Available to SRCs

Appendix B — Summary of Scaled Disclosure Requirements Available to SRCs

Appendix B — Summary of Scaled Disclosure Requirements Available to SRCs

The tables below summarize certain requirements under Regulations S-K and S-X for SEC registrants and the related SRC scaled disclosures.


The disclosures identified in the “Registrants Other Than SRCs” column do not take into account certain scaled disclosure accommodations that may be available to EGCs.
SRCs apply the requirements in Regulation S-X, Article 8, when preparing their financial statements. SRCs typically are not required to apply the disclosure provisions of Regulation S-X in their entirety unless Article 8 indicates otherwise. Registrants other than SRCs should apply Regulation S-X in its entirety, as applicable.
As a result of ASU 2019-10, SRCs can adopt ASU 2016-13 (as amended) and ASU 2017-04 in a manner consistent with private-company adoption dates. In addition, the FASB intends to use the two-bucket framework to stagger effective dates for future major accounting standards.
See Section 2.5.3 for additional information.
See footnote 4.
Regulation S-X, Rule 4-08(g) and Rule 10-01(b)(1), prescribe the annual requirements for summarized financial information and the interim requirements for summarized income statement information, respectively.
See paragraph 5330.2 of the FRM.
Regulation S-X, Rule 3-09, prescribes the annual requirements for financial statements of an EMI. See Deloitte’s Roadmap SEC Reporting Considerations for Equity Method Investees for further guidance on evaluating the significance of EMIs.