1.4 Comment Letters per Review and Days to Complete a Review
1.4.1 Comment Letters per Review
The chart below shows, for each of the review years 2020 through
2024, the percentage breakdown of the number of comment letters per review.
For the past five years on average, 92 percent of all reviews
were resolved after one or two comment letters. The SEC staff issued
approximately 1.4 comment letters per review on average in the period from the
beginning of review year 2020 through the end of review year 2024, whereas it
issued approximately 1.5 comment letters per review on average in review year
2024. This slight increase in the average number of comment letters per review
may be attributable to the SEC staff’s approach of issuing comments to elicit
expanded disclosures related to emerging issues, as outlined in Section 1.3. Such an approach may lead to
multiple rounds of comments as the staff asks additional questions or requests
further details on emerging issues and the related impact on a registrant.
1.4.2 Days to Complete a Review
The chart below presents, for each of the review years 2020
through 2024, the percentage breakdown of reviews by the number of days to
complete a review.6
In the period from the beginning of review year 2020 through the
end of review year 2024, it took approximately 49 days on average to complete a
review. During the same period, approximately 77 percent of reviews on average
were completed within 60 days; this trend has remained relatively consistent
over the past five years. However, we did see an increase in the time to
resolution in the current year, with the average increasing to 60 days, up 6
days from the prior year and 11 days from the five-year average. This increase
is consistent with the additional rounds of comments noted in Section 1.4.1.
Quick resolution of the comment letter process is important.
Applying our best practices for managing unresolved SEC comment letters, as
discussed in Appendix B, may help
registrants resolve staff comment letters in a timely manner.
The number of days to complete a review was calculated
by determining the number of days between the initial comment letter
date and the closing comment letter date.