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Statement on Reproposed Auditing Standard Related to Communications With Audit Committees (James R. Doty, Chairman — December 20, 2011) Statement on Reproposed Auditing Standard Related to Communications With Audit Committees (Lewis H. Ferguson, Board Member — December 20, 2011)Statement on Reproposed Auditing Standard Related to Communications With Audit Committees (Daniel L. Goelzer, Board Member — December 20, 2011)Statement on Reproposed Auditing Standard Related to Communications With Audit Committees (Jay D. Hanson, Board Member — December 20, 2011)Statement on Reproposed Auditing Standard Related to Communications With Audit Committees (Steven B. Harris, Board Member — December 20, 2011)PCAOB Reproposes Auditing Standard on Communications With Audit Committees, Amendments to Other PCAOB Standards — December 20, 2011Keynote Address (Jay D. Hanson, Board Member — December 19, 2011) PCAOB to Consider Reproposal of Auditing Standard on Communications With Audit Committees — December 15, 2011The Work of the International Forum of Independent Audit Regulators and the Role of Auditor Oversight in Financial Institution Risk Disclosure (Daniel L. Goelzer, Board Member — December 9, 2011)PCAOB Publishes Staff Audit Practice Alert on Assessing and Responding to Risk in the Current Economic Environment — December 6, 2011Auditing in the Decade Ahead: Challenge and Change (James R. Doty, Chairman — December 1, 2011)Statement on Proposed 2012 Budget and Strategic Plan (James R. Doty, Chairman — November 30, 2011)FY 2012 PCAOB Budget and 2011-2015 Strategic Plan (Daniel L. Goelzer, Board Member — November 30, 2011)Statement on Proposed 2012 Budget and Strategic Plan (Lewis H. Ferguson, Board Member — November 30, 2011)Statement on Proposed 2012 Budget and Strategic Plan (Jay D. Hanson, Board Member — November 30, 2011)PCAOB Announces Standing Advisory Group Members — November 29, 2011PCAOB Enters Into Cooperative Arrangement With Taiwan — November 18, 2011Keynote Address (James R. Doty, Chairman — November 10, 2011)Introduction to Auditor's Reporting Model Update (Daniel L. Goelzer, Board Member — November 10, 2011)“Prizes Captured, Shops Sold, Et Cetera”: the Importance of Keeping Investors Properly Informed (James R. Doty, Chairman — November 3, 2011)PCAOB Enters Into Cooperative Agreement for the Exchange of Confidential Information With the Israel Securities Authority — October 31, 2011Myths and Realities — The PCAOB and Its Role in Broker-Dealer Auditor Regulation (James R. Doty, Chairman — October 27, 2011)The PCAOB and the Audits of Smaller Broker-Dealers (Daniel L. Goelzer, Board Member — October 28, 2011)PCAOB Announces Standing Advisory Group Meeting on Nov. 9-10, 2011 and SAG Meeting Dates for 2012 — October 27, 2011Keynote Address: A Fresh Look at Auditing (James R. Doty, Chairman — October 24, 2011)The Future of Government Involvement in Public Accounting (Steven B. Harris, Board Member — October 20, 2011)What's Changed: New Frontiers for Auditors Without Borders (James R. Doty, Chairman — October 14, 2011)PCAOB Enters Into Exchange of Letters With Japan — October 12, 2011PCAOB Proposes Amendments to Improve Transparency Through Disclosure of Engagement Partner and Certain Other Participants in Audits — October 11, 2011Statement on Proposed Amendments to Improve Transparency Through Disclosure of Engagement Partner and Certain Other Participants in Audits (James R. Doty, Chairman — October 11, 2011)Statement on Proposed Amendments to Improve Transparency Through Disclosure of Engagement Partner and Certain Other Participants in Audits (Jay D. Hanson, Board Member — October 11, 2011)Statement on Proposed Amendments to Improve Transparency Through Disclosure of Engagement Partner and Certain Other Participants in Audits (Daniel L. Goelzer, Board Member — October 11, 2011)Statement on Proposed Amendments to Improve Transparency Through Disclosure of Engagement Partner and Certain Other Participants in Audits (Lewis H. Ferguson, Board Member — October 11, 2011)Statement on Proposed Amendments to Improve Transparency Through Disclosure of Engagement Partner and Certain Other Participants in Audits (Steven B. Harris, Board Member — October 11, 2011)What Audit Committees Should Know About the Work of the PCAOB (Daniel L. Goelzer, Board Member — October 4, 2011)Audit Committees and the Work of the PCAOB (Daniel L. Goelzer, Board Member — October 2, 2011)PCAOB to Consider Proposing Amendments to Improve Transparency Through Disclosure of Engagement Partner and Certain Other Participants in Audits — October 6, 2011 Keynote Address: Which Way Next? Future Thinking at the PCAOB (James R Doty, Chairman — October 4, 2011)PCAOB Publishes Staff Audit Practice Alert on Audit Risks in Certain Emerging Markets — October 3, 2011Opening Remarks (Daniel L. Goelzer, Board Member — September 15, 2011)The Auditor's Reporting Model (James R. Doty, Chairman — September 15, 2011)The Auditor's Reporting Model (Steven B. Harris, Board Member — September 15, 2011)PCAOB Announces Participants in Roundtable on Auditor's Reporting Model — September 8, 2011PCAOB to Host Roundtable on the Auditor’s Reporting Model — August 25, 2011Concept Release on Auditor Independence and Audit Firm Rotation (Jay D. Hanson, Board Member — August 16, 2011)Issuance of a Concept Release on Auditor Independence and Audit Firm Rotation (James R. Doty, Chairman — August 16, 2011)Concept Release on Auditor Independence and Audit Firm Rotation (Steven B. Harris, Board Member — August 16, 2011) Concept Release on Auditor Independence and Audit Firm Rotation (Lewis H. Ferguson, Board Member — August 16, 2011) Concept Release on Auditor Independence and Audit Firm Rotation (Daniel L. Goelzer, Board Member — August 16, 2011)PCAOB Proposes Standards for Broker-Dealer Audits and Auditing Supplemental Information — July 12, 2011Proposed Standard for Auditing Supplemental Information Accompanying Audited Financial Statements (James R. Doty, Chairman — July 12, 2011) Proposed Standards for Attestation Engagements Related to Broker and Dealer Compliance or Exemption Reports (James R. Doty, Chairman — July 12, 2011)Proposed Broker-Dealer Attestation and Auditing Supplemental Information Standards (Daniel L. Goelzer, Board Member — July 12, 2011)Statement on Proposed Standards for Attestation Engagements Related to Broker and Dealer Compliance or Exemption Reports (Jay D. Hanson, Board Member — July 12, 2011)Proposed Standard for Auditing Supplemental Information Accompanying Audited Financial Statements (Jay D. Hanson, Board Member — July 12, 2011) PCAOB to Consider Proposing Standards for Broker-Dealer Audits and Auditing Supplemental Information — July 7, 2011 Keynote Address: The Global Dimension Conference on Audit Policy (James R. Doty, Chairman — June 30, 2011)PCAOB Invites Auditors of Brokers and Dealers to Participate in the 2011 Forum on Auditing Smaller Broker-Dealers — June 28, 2011Concept Release on Possible Revisions to PCAOB Standards Related to Reports on Audited Financial Statements (James R. Doty, Chairman — June 21, 2011)Concept Release on Possible Revisions to PCAOB Standards Related to Reports on Audited Financial Statements (Lewis H. Ferguson, Board Member — June 21, 2011)Concept Release on Possible Revisions to PCAOB Standards Related to Reports on Audited Financial Statements (Daniel L. Goelzer, Board Member — June 21, 2011)Concept Release on Possible Revisions to PCAOB Standards Related to Reports on Audited Financial Statements (Steven B. Harris, Board Member — June 21, 2011)Concept Release on Possible Revisions to PCAOB Standards Related to Reports on Audited Financial Statements (Jay D. Hanson, Board Member — June 21, 2011)Adoption of Final Rule on Interim Inspection Program for Auditors of Brokers and Dealers (James R. Doty, Chairman — June 14, 2011)Adoption of Final Rules on Funding (James R. Doty, Chairman — June 14, 2011)Interim Inspection Rules for Auditors of Brokers and Dealers (Jay D. Hanson, Board Member — June 14, 2011) Interim Inspection Rules for Auditors of Brokers and Dealers and Rules on Funding (Lewis H. Ferguson, Board Member — June 14, 2011)Board Funding — Final Rules for Allocation of the Board's Accounting Support Fee Among Issuers, Brokers, and Dealers, and Other Amendments to the Board's Funding Rules (Daniel L. Goelzer, Board Member — June 14, 2011)Temporary Rule for an Interim Program of Inspection Related to Audits of Brokers and Dealers (Daniel L. Goelzer, Board Member — June 14, 2011)PCAOB Adopts Interim Inspection Program for Broker-Dealer Audits and Broker and Dealer Funding Rules — June 14, 2011PCAOB to Consider Adopting Interim Inspection Program for Broker-Dealer Audits and Broker-Dealer Funding Rules — June 9, 2011 Rethinking the Relevance, Credibility and Transparency of Audits (James R. Doty, Chairman — June 2, 2011)Compliance Week 2011 Conference, Opening Keynote (Jay D. Hanson, Board Member — May 23, 2011)The Reliability, Role and Relevance of the Audit: A Turning Point (James R. Doty, Chairman — May 5, 2011)PCAOB Solicits Nominations for Standing Advisory Group — May 2, 2011PCAOB Enters Into First Cooperative Agreement With Swiss Regulators — April 6, 2011Testimony Concerning the Role of the Accounting Profession In Preventing Another Financial Crisis (James R. Doty, Chairman — April 6, 2011)Looking Ahead: Auditor Oversight (James R. Doty, Chairman — April 4, 2011)Update on PCAOB Developments at the PCAOB SAG Meeting (James R. Doty, Chairman — March 24, 2011)Introductory Remarks at the PCAOB SAG Meeting (Daniel L. Goelzer, Board Member — March 24, 2011)Opening Remarks at the PCAOB SAG Meeting (Steven B. Harris, Board Member — March 24, 2011)PCAOB Discussed Changes to the Auditor's Reporting Model in Preparation for Concept Release — March 22, 2011 Statement on the Board's Discussion of the Auditor's Reporting Model (James R. Doty, Chairman — March 22, 2011) Statement on the Board's Discussion of the Auditor's Reporting Model (Lewis H. Ferguson, Board Member — March 22, 2011)Statement on Auditor's Reporting Model (Daniel L. Goelzer, Board Member — March 22, 2011) Statement on Auditor's Reporting Model (Steven B. Harris, Board Member — March 22, 2011) Assignment: Book Report (Jay D. Hanson, Board Member — March 22, 2011) Opening Remarks (James R. Doty, Chairman — March 16, 2011) Opening Remarks (Daniel L. Goelzer, Board Member — March 16, 2011) PCAOB Announces Standing Advisory Group Meeting on March 24, 2011 — March 10, 2011 PCAOB to Discuss Auditor's Reporting Model — March 8, 2011PCAOB Addresses Emerging Audit Issues in the 2011 Forum on Auditing in the Small Business Environment — February 28, 2011Helen A. Munter Named Director of the Division of Registration and Inspections — February 22, 2011George Diacont to Retire From the PCAOB — February 7, 2011 Steven Richards to Join Chairman Doty's Office at PCAOB — February 3, 2011PCAOB Enters Into Cooperative Agreement With United Kingdom Audit Regulator — January 10, 2011Securities and Exchange Commission Appointment of New PCAOB Board Members — January 7, 2011