Accounting Research Tool
Chapter 2 — Business Acquisitions

2.6 Form and Content of Acquiree Financial Statements

2.6 Form and Content of Acquiree Financial Statements

A registrant generally prepares preacquisition financial statements of the acquiree on the same basis as if the acquiree were a registrant, except that it uses the acquiree’s level of significance to determine the number of years of audited financial statements to present. Although the determination of such periods is based on significance, the form and content of the acquiree’s financial statements must adhere to the relevant requirements of Regulation S-X (e.g., classification of equity that is subject to mandatory redemption requirements or whose redemption is outside the control of the registrant under Regulation S-X, Rule 5-02.27) as well as the guidance in U.S. GAAP (or, if the acquiree is a foreign entity, IFRS Accounting Standards; see Section 2.11). Supplemental schedules under Regulation S-X, Articles 5 and 12, are not required.


Also see Section 8.1 of Deloitte’s Roadmap Business Combinations and Section 3.2 of Deloitte’s Roadmap Initial Public Offerings.