Accounting Research Tool
Chapter 3 — Recognition and Unit of Account

3.2 Unit of Account

3.2 Unit of Account

ASC 326-20
30-2 An entity shall measure expected credit losses of financial assets on a collective (pool) basis when similar risk characteristic(s) exist (as described in paragraph 326-20-55-5). If an entity determines that a financial asset does not share risk characteristics with its other financial assets, the entity shall evaluate the financial asset for expected credit losses on an individual basis. If a financial asset is evaluated on an individual basis, an entity also should not include it in a collective evaluation. That is, financial assets should not be included in both collective assessments and individual assessments.
35-2 An entity shall evaluate whether a financial asset in a pool continues to exhibit similar risk characteristics with other financial assets in the pool. For example, there may be changes in credit risk, borrower circumstances, recognition of writeoffs, or cash collections that have been fully applied to principal on the basis of nonaccrual practices that may require a reevaluation to determine if the asset has migrated to have similar risk characteristics with assets in another pool, or if the credit loss measurement of the asset should be performed individually because the asset no longer has similar risk characteristics.
55-5 In evaluating financial assets on a collective (pool) basis, an entity should aggregate financial assets on the basis of similar risk characteristics, which may include any one or a combination of the following (the following list is not intended to be all inclusive):
  1. Internal or external (third-party) credit score or credit ratings
  2. Risk ratings or classification
  3. Financial asset type
  4. Collateral type
  5. Size
  6. Effective interest rate
  7. Term
  8. Geographical location
  9. Industry of the borrower
  10. Vintage
  11. Historical or expected credit loss patterns
  12. Reasonable and supportable forecast periods.