Accounting Research Tool
Chapter 8 — Reference Rate Reform (ASC 848)

8.2 Summary of ASU 2020-04

8.2 Summary of ASU 2020-04

The relief provided by ASU 2020-04 is elective and applies “to all entities, subject to meeting certain criteria, that have contracts, hedging relationships, and other transactions that reference LIBOR or another reference rate expected to be discontinued because of reference rate reform.” Optional expedients are provided for contract modification accounting under the following Codification topics and subtopics:
  • ASC 310, Receivables.
  • ASC 470, Debt.
  • ASC 840 or ASC 842, Leases.
  • ASC 815-15, Derivatives and Hedging: Embedded Derivatives.


As discussed in Section 8.1, on December 21, 2022, the FASB issued ASU 2022-06 to defer the sunset date of ASC 848 until December 31, 2024. The ASU became effective upon issuance.
The modification can be made in anticipation of the reference rate discontinuance (i.e., before the reference rate is actually discontinued).
Under ASU 2020-04, the “selection of a rate that is the last published rate of an interest rate index that is discontinued is not considered a stated fixed rate.”
ASU 2020-04 provides that the addition or removal of a prepayment or conversion option is considered unrelated to the replacement of a reference rate except for “the addition of a prepayment option for which exercise is contingent upon the replacement reference interest rate index not being determinable in accordance with the terms of the agreement.”
The expedient would also apply to hedging instruments that are modified by (1) entering into a derivative that fully offsets the original designated hedging instrument and (2) contemporaneously entering into a new derivative that has the modified contractual terms.
If the entity rebalances a fair value hedging relationship by increasing or reducing the designated portion of the hedged item, it must recognize the cumulative effect of making that change as an adjustment to the basis adjustment that would be recognized as a result of changing the designated benchmark interest rate, in accordance with ASC 848-40.
See footnote 2.
For a forecasted issuance or purchase of fixed-rate debt in which the designated hedged interest rate risk is a benchmark interest rate, only the hedging instrument must reference an affected rate.
See footnote 2.
See footnote 2.
See footnote 2.
See footnote 2.
Under ASU 2020-04, if any of the following expedients are elected for hedging relationships existing as of December 31, 2024 (see footnote 2), they will be retained through the end of the hedging relationship:
  • “An optional expedient to the systematic and rational method used to recognize in earnings the components excluded from the assessment of effectiveness.”
  • “An optional expedient to the rate to discount cash flows associated with the hedged item and any adjustment to the cash flows for the designated term or the partial term of the designated hedged item in a fair value hedge.”
  • “An optional expedient to not periodically evaluate [the specified] conditions in [ASC] 815-20-25-104(d) and (g) when using the shortcut method for a fair value hedge.”
See footnote 2.