Accounting Research Tool
Chapter 2 — Scope

2.1 Scope and Scope Exceptions

2.1 Scope and Scope Exceptions


ASC 820 does not, however, apply to measurements based on the lower of cost or market value, such as measurements of inventory under ASC 330.
ASC 820-10-50-2(a) states that “[n]onrecurring fair value measurements . . . are those that other Topics require or permit in the statement of financial position in particular circumstances (for example, when a reporting entity measures a long-lived asset or disposal group classified as held for sale at fair value less costs to sell in accordance with Topic 360 because the asset’s fair value less costs to sell is lower than its carrying amount).” In some cases, an item may be remeasured to fair value in consecutive reporting periods; however, such remeasurement is a nonrecurring fair value measurement because the other Codification topic that requires or permits such measurement does not require or permit the measurement for all changes in fair value. For example, a long-lived asset or disposal group classified as HFS may be remeasured to fair value less costs to sell in each financial reporting period until its disposal because the fair value less costs to sell declines in each financial reporting period. However, such measurement is not a recurring fair value measurement because ASC 360 does not allow an entity to remeasure a long-lived asset or disposal group classified as HFS at a fair value amount that exceeds the asset’s (or disposal group’s) original cost basis. In the absence of a specific exception, the disclosure requirements in ASC 820 apply to items subsequently measured at fair value on a nonrecurring basis (see Sections 2.3 and for more information). Conversely, the disclosure requirements in ASC 820 do not apply to items that are initially measured at fair value. Other Codification topics may, however, require specific disclosures regarding initial measurements at fair value under ASC 820 (see Appendix A for more information).
ASC 820-10-50-2(a) states that “[r]ecurring fair value measurements . . . are those that other Topics require or permit in the statement of financial position at the end of each reporting period.” In the absence of a specific exception, the disclosure requirements in ASC 820 apply to items subsequently measured at fair value on a recurring basis (see Sections 2.3 and for more information).
See Section 2.3.10 for more information about life-settlement contracts accounted for under ASC 325-30.
See footnote 4.
Finite-lived intangible assets may be tested for impairment as part of an asset group. Any impairment loss is allocated to the finite-lived intangible assets on a relative fair value basis.
See Section 2.3.7 for more information about the impairment of long-lived assets (asset groups) under ASC 360-10.
See footnote 7.
See footnote 7.
See Section 2.3.9 for discussion of a practical expedient related to the fair value measurement of an ARO under ASC 410-20.
See Section 2.3.13 for discussion of an exception to the fair value measurement requirements under ASC 420-10.
See Section 2.3.4 for discussion of a practical expedient related to this fair value measurement under ASC 460-10.
See Section 2.3.17 for more information about deferred compensation arrangements held in rabbi trusts accounted for under ASC 710-10.
See Section 2.3.15 for more information about plan assets and obligations accounted for under ASC 712-10.
See Section 2.3.15 for more information about plan assets and obligations accounted for under ASC 715-30.
See Section 2.3.15 for more information about the measurement of a participation right under ASC 715-30.
See Section 2.3.15 for more information about plan assets and obligations accounted for under ASC 715-60.
See Section 2.3.15 for more information about the measurement of a participation right under ASC 715-60.
See Section 2.3.18 for more information about contributions made accounted for under ASC 720-25.
See Section 2.3.6 for discussion of exceptions to the measurement principle in ASC 805-20-30-1.
See Section 2.3.3 for more information about financial assets and financial liabilities of a CFE accounted for in accordance with ASC 810-10-30-11 through 30-15.
See footnote 21.
This table does not include any references to the guidance in ASC 815-20, ASC 815-25, ASC 815-30, and ASC 815-35 regarding how to recognize the change in fair value of a derivative or nonderivative instrument designated as a hedging instrument. ASC 815-10-35-2 states that “[t]he accounting for changes in the fair value (that is, gains or losses) of a derivative instrument depends on whether it has been designated and qualifies as part of a hedging relationship.” When ASC 815-20, ASC 815-25, ASC 815-30, or ASC 815-35 refers to “fair value” with respect to assessing, measuring, or recognizing the effects of hedge accounting, the measurement guidance in ASC 820 applies. However, depending on how fair value is used in the application of hedge accounting, a resulting measurement may not be a fair value measurement. See Section 2.3.11 for more information about the hedged item in a fair value hedge accounted for under ASC 815-25.
Some instruments that possess the characteristics of a derivative instrument under ASC 815-10 are subject to an exception from derivative accounting, while other instruments that do not have these characteristics are nevertheless subject to derivative accounting. As discussed in ASC 815-10-15-71, a loan commitment related to the origination of mortgage loans that will be held for sale must be accounted for as a derivative instrument regardless of whether it possesses all the characteristics of a derivative instrument.
See footnote 24.
See Section 2.3.2 and Chapter 12 for more information about the FVO election under ASC 825.
See footnote 26.
See Section 2.3.1 for more information about notes receivable or payable accounted for under ASC 835-30.
See Section 2.3.8 for more information about lease contracts accounted for under ASC 842.
See Section 2.3.12 for more information about nonmonetary transactions accounted for under ASC 845-10.
See Section 2.3.18 for more information about contributions accounted for under ASC 958-605.
See footnote 32.
See Section 2.3.16 for more information about plan assets and obligations accounted for under ASC 960-325.
See Section 2.3.16 for more information about plan assets and obligations accounted for under ASC 962-325.
See Section 2.3.16 for more information about the accounting for plan assets and obligations under ASC 965-320.
See Section 2.3.16 for more information about the accounting for plan assets and obligations under ASC 965-325.
See Section 2.3.16 for more information about the accounting for plan assets and obligations under ASC 965-360.
A reporting entity that performs mining or validating services, and that receives newly created crypto assets as consideration for those services, would not be deemed the creator of those crypto assets as long as the services constitute the entity’s only involvement with the creation of the asset.
Items initially measured on the basis of a relative fair value allocation are also not subject to ASC 820’s disclosure requirements.
Under ASC 820-10-50-2E, certain disclosure provisions of ASC 820 apply to classes of “assets and liabilities not measured at fair value in the statement of financial position but for which the fair value is disclosed,” including financial instruments for which fair value is disclosed under ASC 825. These disclosure requirements have been incorporated into ASC 825-10-50-10 through 50-15.