Accounting Research Tool
Chapter 6 — Modifications

6.10 Repurchases and Settlements

6.10 Repurchases and Settlements

ASC 718-20
Repurchase or Cancellation
35-7 The amount of cash or other assets transferred (or liabilities incurred) to repurchase an equity award shall be charged to equity, to the extent that the amount paid does not exceed the fair value of the equity instruments repurchased at the repurchase date. Any excess of the repurchase price over the fair value of the instruments repurchased shall be recognized as additional compensation cost. An entity that repurchases an award for which the promised goods have not been delivered or the service has not been rendered has, in effect, modified the employee’s requisite service period or nonemployee’s vesting period to the period for which goods have already been delivered or service already has been rendered, and thus the amount of compensation cost measured at the grant date but not yet recognized shall be recognized at the repurchase date.