Accounting Research Tool
Chapter 6 — Modifications

6.11 Cancellations

6.11 Cancellations

ASC 718-20
Cancellation and Replacement
35-8 Except as described in paragraph 718-20-35-2A, cancellation of an award accompanied by the concurrent grant of (or offer to grant) a replacement award or other valuable consideration shall be accounted for as a modification of the terms of the cancelled award. (The phrase offer to grant is intended to cover situations in which the service inception date precedes the grant date.) Therefore, incremental compensation cost shall be measured as the excess of the fair value of the replacement award or other valuable consideration over the fair value of the cancelled award at the cancellation date in accordance with paragraph 718-20-35-3. Thus, the total compensation cost measured at the date of a cancellation and replacement shall be the portion of the grant-date fair value of the original award for which the promised good is expected to be delivered (or has already been delivered) or the service is expected to be rendered (or has already been rendered) at that date plus the incremental cost resulting from the cancellation and replacement.
35-9 A cancellation of an award that is not accompanied by the concurrent grant of (or offer to grant) a replacement award or other valuable consideration shall be accounted for as a repurchase for no consideration. Accordingly, any previously unrecognized compensation cost shall be recognized at the cancellation date.