Accounting Research Tool
Chapter 15 — Disclosure

15.2 Contracts With Customers

15.2 Contracts With Customers

ASC 606-10
50-4 An entity shall disclose all of the following amounts for the reporting period unless those amounts are presented separately in the statement of comprehensive income (statement of activities) in accordance with other Topics:
  1. Revenue recognized from contracts with customers, which the entity shall disclose separately from its other sources of revenue
  2. Credit losses recorded (in accordance with Subtopic 326-20 on financial instruments measured at amortized cost) on any receivables or contract assets arising from an entity’s contracts with customers, which the entity shall disclose separately from credit losses from other contracts.
To take another example, an entity that derived revenue from financial instruments, leases, and contracts with customers (ASC 606 contracts) may present or disclose its revenues as follows:


In December 2016, the FASB issued ASU 2016-20, which clarified (by moving the content previously in ASC 606-10-50-8(c) to ASC 606-10-50-12A) that “the disclosure of revenue recognized from performance obligations satisfied (or partially satisfied) in previous periods applies to all performance obligations and is not limited to performance obligations with corresponding contract balances.”
For more information about the November 7, 2016, TRG meeting, see TRG Agenda Paper 60 and Deloitte’s November 2016 TRG Snapshot.
The illustrative disclosure example above demonstrates how an entity might provide information in its interim financial statements. When considering their annual financial statements, most entities provide an annual disclosure of revenue recognized in the current reporting period from performance obligations satisfied (or partially satisfied) in the previous annual reporting period.
This illustrative disclosure includes the optional exemptions applied in ASC 606-10-50-14 and 50-14A. In addition to disclosing the optional exemptions applied, an entity should disclose the qualitative information required in ASC 606-10-50-15.