FASB Holds January 15 Meeting
January 21, 2025
At its January 15, 2025, meeting, the FASB discussed comments received on its proposed
Accounting Standards Update (ASU) Derivatives Scope Refinements and Scope
Clarification for a Share-Based Payment From a Customer in a Revenue Contract.
With respect to the first issue (derivatives scope refinements), the Board directed
the staff to perform additional analysis and research related to (1) the proposed scope
exception and (2) predominant characteristics assessment. Regarding the second issue
(scope clarification related to share-based payment from a customer in a revenue
arrangement), the Board decided that the issue’s current scope should be retained;
accordingly, the Board intends “to clarify the applicability of Topic 606 and other
Topics for a share-based payment from a customer that is consideration for the transfer
of goods or services.”
For more information, see the tentative Board decisions on the FASB’s Web site.