Accounting Research Tool
Chapter 1 — Assets

1.2 Investments in Debt and Equity Securities

1.2 Investments in Debt and Equity Securities

Under both IFRS Accounting Standards and U.S. GAAP, investments in debt securities are classified into categories that affect the measurement of these instruments. But significant differences exist between the two frameworks in how these instruments’ classifications are determined. In addition, measurement differences exist because of these classification differences. The table below summarizes the key differences in the accounting for investments in debt and equity securities under IFRS Accounting Standards and U.S. GAAP.


Industries that require trade-date accounting for “regular way” transactions under U.S. GAAP include depository and lending institutions (ASC 942-325-25-2), brokers and dealers (ASC 940-320-25-1), and investment companies (ASC 946-320-25-1).