Accounting Research Tool
Chapter 4 — Other Registration Statement Reporting

4.3 Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations (MD&A)

4.3 Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations (MD&A)

The purpose of MD&A is to give readers the information they need to understand a company’s financial condition, changes in financial condition, liquidity and capital resources, and results of operations (collectively, “financial condition and operating performance”), as well as its prospects for the future. Since the initial adoption of the MD&A disclosure requirements in 1980, the SEC has issued numerous rules and interpretive guidance intended to enhance the overall quality of MD&A disclosures. General disclosure requirements for domestic companies can be found in Regulation S-K, Item 303, as interpreted in Section 501 of the SEC’s Codification of Financial Reporting Policies and Topic 9 of the FRM.