Accounting Research Tool
Chapter 2 — Business Acquisitions

2.9 Individually Insignificant Acquisitions

2.9 Individually Insignificant Acquisitions

Under Rule 3-05, the financial statements of acquirees that do not exceed the 20 percent significance level are not required. However, when filing a registration or proxy statement, a registrant must evaluate the aggregate significance of:
  1. Probable acquisitions that do not exceed 50 percent.
  2. Consummated acquisitions that exceed 20 percent but do not exceed 50 percent and whose financial statements do not yet have to be filed (i.e., within the 75-day grace period; see Section
  3. Any acquisitions consummated since the end of the registrant’s most recently completed fiscal year presented that do not exceed 20 percent.
The table below illustrates these requirements. For fields marked “Required,” a registrant must provide separate financial statements in a registration or proxy statement for that acquiree because it is individually significant. Therefore, a registrant is not required to include these acquirees when determining the impact of individually insignificant acquirees. When evaluating acquisitions, if two or more of the acquirees are related businesses, the registrant must apply the guidance in Section 2.7 before applying the guidance in this section.