Accounting Research Tool
Chapter 3 — Long-Lived Assets to Be Sold

3.5 Measuring the Carrying Value of a Disposal Group Upon Classification as Held for Sale

3.5 Measuring the Carrying Value of a Disposal Group Upon Classification as Held for Sale

ASC 360-10
Long-Lived Assets Classified as Held for Sale
35-37 This guidance addresses the accounting for expected disposal losses for long-lived assets and asset groups that are classified as held for sale but have not yet been sold. See paragraphs 360-10-45-9 through 45-11 for the initial criteria to be met for classification as held for sale.
35-41 See paragraphs 310-20-35-12D and 310-20-40-12 for guidance related to determination of cost basis for foreclosed assets under Subtopic 310-20 and the measurement of cumulative losses previously recognized under paragraph 360-10-35-40.
35-42 See paragraphs 830-30-45-13 through 45-15 for guidance regarding the application of Topic 830 to an investment being evaluated for impairment that will be disposed of.
Accounting While Held for Sale
35-43 A long-lived asset (disposal group) classified as held for sale shall be measured at the lower of its carrying amount or fair value less cost to sell. If the asset (disposal group) is newly acquired, the carrying amount of the asset (disposal group) shall be established based on its fair value less cost to sell at the acquisition date. A long-lived asset shall not be depreciated (amortized) while it is classified as held for sale. Interest and other expenses attributable to the liabilities of a disposal group classified as held for sale shall continue to be accrued.