Accounting Research Tool
Chapter 4 — Cash and Cash Equivalents

4.7 Credit and Debit Card Receivables

4.7 Credit and Debit Card Receivables

We have observed diversity in practice in how entities classify credit and debit card receivables on their balance sheets. Depending on their specific facts and circumstances (see discussion below), some entities classify these receivables as cash and cash equivalents while others classify them as receivables. This balance sheet diversity affects the statement of cash flows. If these items are classified as cash and cash equivalents, they are included in the beginning and ending balances of cash and cash equivalents (i.e., recognition of the receivable is the equivalent of collecting the cash). Otherwise, they are included in the change in net assets in the reconciliation from net income to cash flows from operating activities, provided that entities are using the indirect method of presenting operating cash flows (i.e., they are presented as operating cash inflows when the entity receives the cash in its bank account).