Accounting Research Tool
Chapter 1 — Overview

1.2 History of Hedge Accounting Guidance

1.2 History of Hedge Accounting Guidance

Before the FASB’s issuance of Statement 133 in June 1998, the existing guidance on derivatives and hedging activities (provided first by the AICPA and later by the FASB) applied to specific transactions or groups of transactions. FASB Statement 133 established comprehensive accounting and reporting requirements for derivatives (as defined in the standard) and qualifying hedging activities. Derivatives within the scope of FASB Statement 133 were required to be (1) recognized on the balance sheet as assets or liabilities and (2) measured at fair value in each reporting period. FASB Statement 133 indicated that the accounting for changes in a derivative’s fair value would depend on whether that derivative was designated and qualified as the hedging instrument in a hedging relationship that satisfied the criteria to qualify for hedge accounting and the accounting and reporting requirements for such accounting.